Sailing Solo on a Disney Cruise

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Sailing Solo on a Disney Cruise

I know, I know. You are reading the title for this blog and thinking “Who would be sailing solo on a Disney cruise?” And you might also be thinking “Who goes on a Disney cruise without children?”. Hi! That would be me to both questions. Of course on the no children front, there are lots of people who love Disney and sail on Disney who don’t have any children with them. It is however, still very unusual to be sailing solo on a Disney cruise. I would love to tell you all about my experience. You might even decide to give it a try as well. Here are 3 reasons why I enjoyed my first solo Disney cruise.

There were lots of options

I really enjoyed all of the options on a Disney cruise. For example, if I didn’t want to dine in a dining room by myself, I had several dining options including sharing a table, room service, quick service meals or adult only restaurants. When it came to entertainment, I could go to either of the two shows, enjoy  entertainment in the adults only section of the ship between and during the two dining times or enjoy the special Halloween themed parties on my cruise .

Sailing Solo on a Disney Cruise

Oh, and speaking of entertainment, I could watch movies in the onboard theatre or even in my cabin!

There were lots of people to interact with

I loved being able to strike up a casual conversation with someone-whether cast member or fellow passenger. I also loved getting pictures with the characters and interacting with them. They are just so much fun to talk with or just clown around with!

Sailing Solo on a Disney Cruise

There was freedom

Sailing Solo on a Disney Cruise

I was able to go on a shore excursion in Tortola that I normally wouldn’t because family members weren’t up to it.  I didn’t have to cut a conversation short because I was meeting my family. I didn’t have to consult others on what they wanted to do next. I also was able to do a lot more reading, which is my favorite leisure activity. I found that the freedom of being able to do whatever I wanted to do, whenever I wanted to do it was totally worth sailing solo.

So are you ready to give solo sailing a try? I really hope you will the next time the opportunity arises! If you would like some help, tips or tricks, click on this link.



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