Packing A Day Pack For Your Day at the Theme Park

Getting ready to visit a theme park for a day can be an undertaking.  Trying to figure out what you will or wont need during the day.  Here are a few suggestions of things that should make a mostly complete day pack.  Restocking the pack at the end of the day means it is ready to go when you are rushing to get out the door in the morning.


Park Tickets

TicketsThese are probably the first thing you will need when you get to the park so make sure you dont forget them.




Water Bottle

Water BottleIt can get hot spending a day at a park and having something to drink while you are spending times in line, or on rides is always nice.  There are many refillable bottle options that you can attach to the outside of your pack or slip into the exterior pocket.  Fill it with ice from the hotel before you leave in the morning.  During the day you can fill it from drinking fountains or ask for free water at counter service restaurants.











Often when you are heading off to the park you may not need sunglasses but, as the sun comes up you will definitely want a pair so make sure you have them in your day pack.


SnacksGranola Bars, raisins, crackers, dried fruit, fruit leather or nuts, Anything that your family likes to snack on.  You never know when the desire to nosh will hit you and having something on had is always a good idea.





Small First Aid Items

First AidThere are first aid stations in the park but, a snack size zip top storage bag with a few bandages, some moleskin, a small tube of antiseptic cream can help when you have the need.





SunscreenSunscreen needs to be applied throughout the day so having a small bottle of it with you will protect your family from the sun.






Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer A bottle of hand sanitizer hanging from the zipper ensures that you can always clean your hands after touching countless railings and many other surfaces as you wander through the theme park.  Disney even sells bottles with plastic covers with Disney Characters on them.


Power Bank

Power BankElectronics dont have an endless supply of power and having a power bank with you to recharge them means that you can keep going until you are done rather than when your phone is done.





With these things in your day pack you will be ready for your day visiting the theme park.  Be it Walt Disney World, Universal, Sea World or any of the other parks you want to visit.  And when you have decided to visit a park, contact The Magic for Less Travel and request a quote.

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