Vacation memory documentation in the palm of your hand!
I have previously published a post sharing my favorite mobile app for my vacation and everyday life documentation, Project Life. You can find that introductory information on our Magic for Less Blog here. This app still one of my favorites but it has added features that now make it even better!

The basic premise of the Project Life app, giving users the ability to document memories on their mobile device, has not changed. But the capabilities and formats to document and preserve your memories has significantly increased. As well, the app is now FREE! Previously the app cost $2.99 but it is now available at no cost for both iOS and Android users.
This change came about with the addition of the free form text function which allows you to add text directly to pictures within the app.
With free form text you can add text in whatever font, size, or color you choose.
This was a highly anticipated enhancement and I have found it to be a huge time saver for me. This feature does cost $1.99 to add but it is an extremely worthwhile investment.
In addition to satisfying all of your documentation needs you can now print individual pages as well as full photo books directly from the app! Once again eliminating the need to export pages from one location and upload them to another!

While the Project Life app is perfect for all of life’s memory documentation, it is perfect for vacation memories. If you don’t already have a Disney vacation in the works, contact one of our awesome agents for a quote today!
Thanks Kathryn, I am going to try this out for our upcoming Disneyland vacation!