Tomorrowland Transit Authority People Mover
Are the lines too long? Is the heat getting to you? Are the crowds out of control? Just need to take a break and relax? Why not take a ride on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority People Mover located in the Magic Kingdom at Disney World. There is rarely a line for this often overlooked attraction.

First introduced 1975 and originally called The Wedway People Mover (WED for Walter E Disney). This attraction takes passengers on a leisurely tour of Tomorrowland. During your journey you will travel around and through such great attractions as Buzz Lightyear Star Command, The Carousel of Progress and Tomorrowland Speedway.
When the ride first begins you get see a portion of the original architectural model of Epcot as envisioned by Walt himself. Epcot was originally intended to be a working city and not a theme park.

Also during your ride you will get a great view of Cinderella’s Castle as you come around the corner. This is a great picture opportunity if you are quick enough with your camera. Of course the highlight (at least for me anyways) is going right through Space Mountain! As you enter the darkness of Space Mountain and get to hear the “space shuttles” roar by and the screams (thrill screams of course) of their excited passengers. Once I had the experience ride through when Space Mountain was closed and all the lights were on. That was quite a site to see.

Moving quietly along the tracks using elector magnetic propulsion this is one of the most relaxing rides in The Magic Kingdom. It is fun to hear the announcements for upcoming stations such as Rockettower Plaza (this is the only station and where you actually load and unload) and The Metropolis Science Center.

A nice way to relax, see some things from different perspectives and learn a little history are some of the many reasons my family and I enjoy this classic ride.