Disney Cruise Line Off Road ATV and Beach Break (CZ61)

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Now that my children are in their late teens, when we vacation together, I’m always looking for new things to do together.  Not all of us like heights or are big risk takers but we do enjoy excursions that push us even a little bit.  On our most recent vacation aboard the Disney Fantasy, we arranged to try the Off Road ATV excursion with a Beach Break at the end and we weren’t disappointed.  It had the right amount of thrills, fun and adventure for us.

All guests needed to have a valid driver’s license so that automatically put this into an over age 16 category.  We were led to an air conditioned bus by our host for the day and after a relatively short drive, we arrived at our destination.

These grounds were really well taken care of and we were encouraged to make sure that we left them in pristine condition.  We were provided with safety instruction, a helmet and bandana to wear and the normal liability paperwork was signed.

It’s tough not to look cool on an ATV
Happened to spot this happy guy along the way!
Well, we don’t all look cool!
We opted not to stand with the fertility god for obvious reasons!

While I knew that this wouldn’t be a serious off road adventure, we did have plenty of bumps, hills, mud and dust to make it look authentic enough for friends and family back home.

We made a few stops along the way, were provided with water and a taste of some local snacks and drinks and given history of the area which we all really enjoyed.  Our host had a great sense of humor and that made the excursion even better.

Beautiful Beach
The Chocolate Factory Store
So many flavors to try!

Once we had finished our tour of the area, we had a few moments to clean up a bit and then we were taken to a lovely beach area for lunch which was included in the price.  The buffet and seating area was in a tent covered area which afforded us all the shade we needed and while we didn’t have very long for the beach, about 90 minutes, it was enough time to relax, take a short walk or enjoy a bit of time looking in the shops near the entrance.

One that caught my eye was the chocolate shop and there were plenty of samples to try.  There were lots of flavors to that I didn’t expect.

This was not an all day excursion which also gave us time back on our beautiful ship to enjoy time by the pool or some relaxation before dressing for dinner.

I definitely recommend this excursion for young adults as well as those that still have a spirit of adventure and aren’t beset by medical conditions that might not make them good candidates for this trek.   Don’t be afraid to give it a try!

This photo came with our professional portrait shot.
Here we go!

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